Start You Project

Find New Suppliers

If you are looking for new suppliers, we can help you find the best match and offer you a competitive price along with a cost-effective manufacturing solution. Compare our offer with any of your existing suppliers to see the value we can provide.

Check out our Pro Service Plan for more details.

Manage My Suppliers

If you prefer to use your own suppliers, we can collaborate with them and manage the entire purchasing process from production to quality inspection and door-to-door logistics. Our support will significantly enhance your sourcing efficiency.

Discover more details about our Basic Service Plan.

Submit Your Sourcing Request

Fill out this form with your detailed needs and our customer support team will contact you shortly. We will assign a professional agent to follow up on your project and provide personalized assistance.

To get the fastest response, submit your inquiries using the form. If you encounter any issues with submission, you can also email us directly at

We Help You Import from China in 4 Steps

step 1 Ordering and Purchasing

Step 1: Start by submitting an inquiry, and our customer support team will pair you with a dedicated agent.

step 2 Ordering and Purchasing

Step 2: Receive a complimentary quotation from Suntech and compare it with any existing quotes from your current supplier.

step 3 Ordering and Purchasing

Step 3: We consolidate all supplier resources, send you samples, and keep you updated on the progress of production.

step 4 Ordering and Purchasing

Step 4: Our team conducts meticulous quality inspections of your products at our warehouses and takes care of arranging shipments.