Sourcing Agent 0101: Who are They? How Do They Work? How Do They Charge?

In today’s global marketplace, sourcing agents and sourcing companies have become vital in effectively managing international supply chains. However, there is often confusion and misinformation surrounding sourcing agents, particularly for small businesses. To address this, I have compiled a list of eight commonly asked questions from buyers regarding sourcing agencies and provided objective answers to help clarify the subject.

1. What is a Sourcing Agent or Sourcing Company?

A sourcing agent, also known as a sourcing company, is an individual or organization that represents a buyer in the process of sourcing commodities or purchasing products that may be beyond the buyer’s reach. Sourcing agents play a crucial role in international trade.

Traditionally, the primary responsibility of a sourcing agent is to identify suitable suppliers for their clients. However, sourcing agencies offer a range of services that can include supplier selection, price negotiations, production monitoring, quality control, product compliance and testing, shipping coordination, and more.

The extent of services provided by sourcing agents or companies may vary depending on the agreed-upon terms between both parties.

2. Sourcing Agent vs. Sourcing Company: Understanding the Difference

In the global market, the terms “sourcing agent” and “sourcing company” are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion. However, it’s essential to recognize that these two concepts have distinct meanings and implications.

Sourcing Agent:

A sourcing agent can refer to an individual who is hired to handle sourcing tasks on behalf of a buyer. These individuals may work as full-time agents and typically operate from small offices or home offices. Some of them may have prior experience working in trading companies or sourcing firms. Individual sourcing agents can be found on freelancing platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, and some may have their own websites as well.

Sourcing Company:

A sourcing company, also known as a sourcing agency, operates with a team of expert sourcing agents and is equipped with organized departments for sourcing, quality inspection, warehousing, and shipping. These companies are capable of efficiently integrating supplier resources and serving multiple buyers simultaneously. Sourcing companies are often located in industrial clusters, such as Yiwu, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen in China, where they can leverage the local manufacturing ecosystem.

3. What Services Do Sourcing Agencies Provide?

Sourcing agencies offer a range of services to assist buyers in their procurement processes. It is important to clarify the service scope and charges with the sourcing agent or company before initiating cooperation to avoid any potential disputes. Here are some of the main services typically provided by sourcing agents:

1. Sourcing Product Suppliers:

One of the fundamental services offered by sourcing agents is the identification and selection of suitable suppliers that meet the buyer’s requirements. Agents negotiate with the suppliers on behalf of the buyer to secure the best price and finalize production details.
The provision of supplier information to the buyer depends on the service model of the sourcing agent:

A. Individual Sourcing Agent:

Individual sourcing agents, often found on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, may be hired on a fixed salary or commission basis. In this case, the buyer pays for the agent’s services, including access to supplier information. The buyer then directly communicates with the suppliers to negotiate prices.

B. Sourcing Company/Agency:

Sourcing companies or agencies typically do not provide supplier information directly to the buyer. There are two main reasons for this:

  •  The suppliers are considered the accumulated resources of the sourcing company, often including those that are not publicly available on B2B websites. This exclusivity enables the sourcing company to offer competitive pricing.
  • The company charges service fees based on a percentage of the total value of goods, which constitutes their profit model.

While the sourcing company may not disclose the factory contact information, they are often willing to arrange factory visits for buyers to gain insights into the production capabilities. However, such visits are more common for larger orders, and for smaller orders, factory visits overseas may be less likely.

2. Follow-up Production, Quality Inspection, and Shipment Arrangement:

Once a suitable supplier is selected, sourcing agents or companies help coordinate the production process, ensuring that the factory meets the agreed-upon timelines and maintains product quality standards. They may also engage the services of a quality inspection company to minimize defective rates before shipment.

Shipment arrangement is another crucial aspect handled by sourcing agents. They leverage their expertise to negotiate competitive shipping prices and provide guidance on the necessary documents and product certificates required for customs clearance, such as CE, RoHS, FDA, COC, and more.

These services are typically available from most sourcing agents or companies, and buyers can choose the specific services based on their individual needs and circumstances.

It is important to establish clear communication and expectations with the sourcing agent or company to ensure a smooth and successful sourcing process.

4. Who Needs a Sourcing Agent or Sourcing Company?

A sourcing agent or sourcing company can be beneficial for various individuals and businesses. Here are some examples of who might benefit from their services:

  1. Individuals with no importing experience: If you are new to importing products from overseas, a sourcing agent or company can guide you through the entire process, handling tasks such as finding suppliers, managing production, ensuring quality control, and arranging shipping. Their expertise can help you navigate the complexities of international trade.
  2. Businesses dealing with multiple product categories: If you have a wide range of products to source, it can be time-consuming and challenging to find reliable suppliers for each category. A sourcing agent or company can efficiently handle the task of contacting and verifying multiple suppliers, saving you time and effort. They can also consolidate your orders and manage the supply chain effectively.
  3. Large retailers and supermarkets: Even large enterprises with extensive experience and resources can benefit from sourcing agents or companies. Retail giants like Walmart and Target often rely on them to manage their supply chains and procure products across multiple categories. Sourcing agents help streamline the purchasing process and ensure a steady supply of goods.
  4. Businesses dealing in specialized product categories: Some industries, such as building materials, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, can be challenging to navigate when searching for suppliers. Sourcing agents or trading companies specializing in these industries can provide valuable expertise and connections to help businesses source the specific products they need.

Advantages of Sourcing Agents and Sourcing Companies:

There are several advantages to working with a reliable sourcing agent or sourcing company:

  1. Finding competitive prices and good quality: Sourcing agents have access to a network of qualified manufacturers and suppliers. They can help you find suppliers who offer competitive pricing and maintain high product quality. Their pre-existing relationships with suppliers can give you an edge in negotiations.
  2. Improved sourcing efficiency: Local sourcing agents or companies have a deep understanding of the local culture, language, and business practices. They can effectively communicate your requirements to suppliers, negotiate product details, and streamline the sourcing process. This reduces communication costs and ensures clarity in your sourcing endeavors.
  3. Reduced risk in importing: Sourcing agents or companies with experience in international trade possess knowledge of product production, quality control, compliance certifications, import/export regulations, and international shipping. Their expertise minimizes the risks associated with importing, ensuring smoother transactions and compliance with regulations.

5. How does Sourcing Agent or Sourcing Company Charge?

The charging methods of sourcing agents or sourcing companies can vary significantly based on factors such as service scope, cooperation methods, product category, and order size. Here are three common charging methods used by sourcing agencies:

A. Fixed salary for each project or a certain period:

Some individual sourcing agents charge a fixed salary for each product or a specific period, such as a week or a month. The fees for these agents are generally lower, usually under $50 per product. However, it’s important to note that these agents may lack professional expertise, and the suppliers they find may not always be the most cost-effective options.

Experienced buyers may choose to hire a full-time sourcing agent for a few weeks or months to handle basic sourcing tasks like finding suppliers, translating, and communicating. For example, hiring a full-time China buying agent in China could cost around $800 per month for exclusive services.

B. No extra charge but gain from the price difference:

Some sourcing agents or companies operate on a model where they don’t charge any additional service fees. Instead, they negotiate with suppliers to secure more competitive prices or better product quality, which may not be accessible through regular channels. In this case, the agents benefit from the price difference they obtain from the suppliers.

Buyers who can find competitive prices on their own would not typically consider using such sourcing agents or companies.

C. Percentage service fee based on product value:

The most common charging method among sourcing agents or companies is to charge a percentage of the total order value as a service fee. This fee covers additional services provided, such as production follow-up, quality control, shipping arrangement, and consolidation.

In China, the typical service charge ranges from 5% to 10% of the total order value. However, the percentage may vary based on factors such as the product category and order size. For example, if the order involves highly competitive and high-demand products like rolled steel or has a value exceeding $500,000, the service charge may be around 3% or potentially lower.

It’s worth noting that sourcing companies offering service fees below 5% for daily consumer products may have higher product prices compared to online suppliers or may deliver poor-quality goods despite providing perfect samples initially.

When evaluating sourcing agents or companies, it’s essential to consider factors beyond the charging method. Assess whether the agent can effectively reduce overall procurement costs, improve sourcing efficiency, and ensure the quality of goods.

6. Analyzing Sourcing Agents Issues

Sourcing agents can face several issues that buyers are concerned about. Here is an analysis of some common issues related to sourcing agents:

A. Kickbacks and bribes from suppliers:

Kickbacks or bribes can occur when sourcing agents accept illicit payments from suppliers. This can compromise the buyer’s interests and result in negative outcomes. For example, if a sourcing agent accepts a kickback from a particular supplier, they may prioritize that supplier, even if their product quality is inferior. This can lead to receiving substandard goods or products that don’t comply with certification requirements. It’s important for buyers to establish transparency and ethical practices with their sourcing agents to avoid such situations.

B. Low service fees but hidden costs:

Some sourcing agents may attract customers with low service fees or even offer free services for trial orders. However, buyers may eventually realize that the overall procurement cost, including product cost, shipping cost, and time cost, is not actually low. They may receive unsatisfactory goods despite claims of quality inspection. It’s essential to understand that low service fees do not necessarily guarantee good sourcing services. Some agents may compensate for their profits by offering higher product prices. Buyers should consider multiple factors beyond service fees when choosing a sourcing agent.

C. Unprofessional or inexperienced sourcing agents:

With the rise of sourcing agents in recent years, it’s common to come across agents who lack professionalism or experience in sourcing from specific regions like China. These agents may have limited knowledge of the industry and may not provide reliable or consistent services. It’s not surprising for new importers to encounter unprofessional or inexperienced sourcing agents. Sourcing agents with a solid track record, experience, and established networks are more likely to provide reliable services.

In conclusion, while there are both good and bad sourcing agents in the industry, it’s important not to be afraid of trying sourcing services. A good sourcing agent can play a crucial role in supply chain management by helping obtain competitive product prices and ensuring smooth follow-up processes. Good service should be the core competitiveness of a sourcing agent’s business model. It’s important for buyers to conduct thorough research, evaluate the agent’s reputation, and establish clear expectations and ethical practices to mitigate potential issues.

7. Practical Tips to Find Reliable Sourcing Agents or Agencies

When looking for reliable sourcing agents or agencies, consider the following practical tips:

Tip 1: Choose between Chinese and non-Chinese sourcing agents:
  • Non-Chinese sourcing agents: These agents are natives of a particular country and assist buyers in purchasing from countries like China, Vietnam, India, etc. They have offices in both the buyer’s country and their own country, catering mainly to large buyers. Pros include easy access, no language or culture barriers, and reliability for large orders. However, they may not be as friendly towards small businesses and may charge higher service commissions.
  • Chinese sourcing agents: Chinese agents generally have lower service fees and possess professional sourcing teams and extensive supplier resources in China. However, language and cultural barriers may exist, and it can be challenging to distinguish reliable agents from the numerous options available.
Tip 2: Choose agents specialized in your desired product category:
  • If you import a wide range of consumer products, opt for a sourcing company that has experience in sourcing various consumer goods.
  • If you specialize in a specific industry, such as building materials or medical products, look for sourcing agents specialized in that industry. They will likely have established relationships with reliable suppliers and can provide valuable advice.
Tip 3: Consider agents located near industry clusters:
  • Each country has industrial clusters, which are geographic areas with a concentration of related firms. Choosing a sourcing agent close to the industry cluster can offer advantages.
  • For example, if you want to purchase daily commodities from China, a sourcing agent in Yiwu would be a good choice. For clothing, agents in Guangzhou have advantages due to the presence of garment manufacturing hubs.
  • Being close to an industry cluster facilitates direct contact with factories, reduces intermediate costs (such as freight), and enables better price advantages.

When sourcing products from China, refer to a table of industrial clusters for different industry categories to identify suitable locations.


Industry Category Cluster
High-quality mold Dongguan, Shenzhen
Low price mold Taizhou
High speed blow molding machine Guangdong
Low price blow molding machine Cang Zou
High quality injection machine Guangdong, Ningbo
Low price injection machine Ningbo


By following these practical tips, you can increase your chances of finding reliable sourcing agents or agencies that align with your specific needs and requirements.

8. Where to Find the Best Sourcing Agent in China for Your Business

It’s helpful to explore various avenues to find the right sourcing agent or company based on specific needs. Here’s a summary of the three main places to find the sourcing agent in china:


Searching on Google is a common and convenient way to find sourcing agents. By using relevant keywords like “China sourcing agent,” you can find a list of Chinese sourcing companies. When exploring these websites, it’s important to pay attention to details such as years of establishment, company information, team size, customer reviews, and testimonials. These factors can help gauge the professionalism and credibility of the sourcing agent or company.

Upwork & Fiverr:

Upwork and Fiverr are freelancing platforms where you can find individual sourcing agents. While these platforms offer flexibility and a range of options, it’s important to exercise caution. Some agents on these platforms may be part-time or less experienced. It’s essential to thoroughly evaluate their qualifications and reliability before engaging their services.

Trade Fairs:

Attending trade fairs, such as the Canton Fair, Hong Kong Fair, or Yiwu International Fair, can provide opportunities to connect with sourcing agents and suppliers directly. Trade fairs are particularly suitable for larger importers who have substantial purchasing volumes and a need for a wide range of products. However, smaller importers with limited budgets may find it challenging to engage suppliers or may be assigned less professional sourcing agents at these fairs.

The End

Do you have any other questions about sourcing agents and companies? If you think this article is helpful, please share it with your friends and leave your ideas in the comments section. If you want to find a China sourcing agent, you can contact suntech, we are the leading China sourcing agency.

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